
Programme page last updated: Friday 16 October 2009

>>> Download a EPUG-UKI-SMUG Dayschool programme – 2009 (.pdf).

Monday 19th October 2009

EPUG-UKI main meeting session

This SFX presentation has been moved to the main afternoon session of the EPUG-UKI meeting (2.15pm-2.45pm)

  • KBART – behind the acronym (Sarah Pearson, University of Birmingham)
    The KBART project (Knowledge Bases and Related Tools) is a joint UKSG and NISO sponsored project to help facilitate improvements to the transfer of metadata associated with electronic content through the supply chain. The project has had the benefit of involvement from all key stakeholders in the supply chain including libraries, content providers and knowledge base providers. The key aims and objectives of this project will be highlighted along with the main recommendations, timescale for report release and a summary of the solutions that take-up of these recommendations will bring to the problem of knowledge base accuracy

EPUG-UKI: SFX-MetaLib product strand – 2.45pm-4.00pm

This is the normal SFX-MetaLib product strand session, following on from the EPUG-UKI meeting in the morning.

  • Minutes and actions from last meeting
  • Product updates (Ex Libris)
  • Q&A with SFX Knowledge Base Manager Ron Lozinsky

Tuesday 20th October 2009

EPUG-UKI SFX-MetaLib dayschool

This is the SFX and MetaLib Dayschool held the day after the EPUG-UKI meeting


MetaLib strand

MetaSearch through Xerxes – using the MetaLib X-Server
(Graham Seaman, Royal Holloway)

This presentation will address why we chose to use Xerxes instead of adapting MetaLib directly; and describe the changes we needed to make to Xerxes to adapt it for our own situation – from integrating with Athens sign-on to branding decisions. Our experience of working with the Xerxes community in making those changes, and the impact using Xerxes had on structuring our MetaLib categories will also be explored. We will also discuss what happened when we launched the new service.

MetaLib (and SFX) and Shibboleth – the experience one year on
(James Fisher, Coventry)

Coventry University has been using Shibboleth to access e-resources since summer 2008. This presentation will give an overview of the first year of using Shibboleth with particular focus on linking to resources from MetaLib and SFX. Examples will be given of challenges experienced and methods used to try to make the route to access the resources as seamless as possible for the user. Possible solutions to make access easier in the future will also be considered.


SFX strand

Implementing bX at the University of Manchester
(Andy Land, University of Manchester)

This session will look at the recent implementation of bX by the John Rylands University Library at the University of Manchester, highlighting the aims of the project, issues found during implementation and Library plans for the future.

The monthly KB updates – sharing good practice
(Anna Grigson, Royal Holloway, University of London)

This presentation will provide an overview of procedures developed at the University of Westminster and Royal Holloway to improve the efficiency of the monthly KB updates. Focusing on the management of portfolios rather than on software and parser updates, it will outline how to manipulate the update reports using Access and Excel to produce customised reports which can be used both for KB updates and for other collection management purposes. There will also be time to share good practice.


SFX, MARC records and the LMS – four case studies

Importing SFX MARC records into ALEPH using XML Marc
(Ann Munn, University of Westminster)

This presentation will show how SFX MARC records are added to ALEPH using CML Marc at the University of Westminster: Data is exported from SFX using the Advanced Export function which allows comparison with the previously exported file. The file is matched against the Aleph database using the SFX object ID and fix routines are used to separate the matched records in to changed and deleted records. New, changed and deleted records are then loaded separately in to Aleph.

Importing SFX MARC records into Voyager
(Ray Delahunty, University of the Arts London)

This presentation will show how SFX MARC records are imported into Voyager at the University of the Arts London: In SFX Admin a standard advanced export query is run to export data for our 9,500 activated journal titles. Data included in the export profile attempts to reduce post export cleanup to a minimum. MarcEdit is then used to convert the data to MARC and standard MarcEdit functionality is used to upgrade the records to MARC21: additions include punctuation, local notes and a field to cause holding record creation on import. The data is loaded into Voyager (7.0.4) via standard Voyager functionality. To ensure the cleanest of display in Webvoyager Classic, the location is suppressed, and a ‘format image’ clearly indicating the nature of the record is used, made possible by a locally agreed deviance for the MARC21 standard (the altering of the leader/06-07 values used to pull in the image.) The resulting records are very brief, but they come without a direct cost- other than a couple of hours each time the data is loaded. If you want to see the result, carry out a search at for International journal of art & design education.

Importing SFX MARC records into Millennium
(Caroline Thorpe, Sheffield Hallam University)

Sheffield Hallam University has used MARCit! to import SFX journal records into their Millennium Library System since 2006. This presentation will look at some of the issues that have arisen and how SHU has attempted to resolve them.

Importing SFX MARC records into Talis
(Chris Keene, University of Sussex)

Over the last 12 months the University of Sussex has slowly added journals records from SFX/MARCit! in to the Talis LMS. This presentation will show how what started off as a quick plan to upload all e-journals at once quickly became a slow and intensive process of incremental steps, checking, and manual editing. After loading all non-free journals, lessons have been learnt, but questions remain about how to keep the two systems in sync in the future.

Reference, Citations and Linking – OpenURL and the TELSTAR project
(Owen Stephens, Open University)

The JISC funded TELSTAR project (in collaboration with RefWorks) is looking at how references are integrated into the Open University e-learning environment (both the Moodle VLE, and the Student ePortfolio environment). One aspect the project is considering is the most appropriate way of linking users to resources from a reference. For e-journals and articles, this is a relatively well understood problem, and one which the OpenURL and SFX are well designed to tackle. However, for other resources including databases, e-books and general web resources, the most effective ways of providing persistent links to the resources over time are less well explored. This session will outline the problems, and the advantages and disadvantages of using OpenURLs and SFX to provide links to these resources, as well as explaining what decisions the TELSTAR project has made, and why. An additional aspect of using OpenURLs across the Open Universities learning and teaching environment is the need for a robust system that can cope with a relatively high level of usage, so TELSTAR will be testing SFX to see how it will cope with peak usage in the Open University context. For more information on the TELSTAR project see, and to read and contribute to discussion around the issues outlined above, and other aspect of the project, visit the project blog at

>>> Download a EPUG-UKI-SMUG Dayschool programme – 2009 (.pdf).



EPUG-UKI-SMUG Dayschool programme – 2008 (.pdf).